Reasons why to watch “Dhandupalyam 2” movie online
Cast & Crew:
Star Cast: Pooja Gandhi, BommaliRavishankar, Raghu Mukherji, Sanjana, etc.
Story, Screenplay & Direction:Srinivasa Raju
Music: Arjun Janya
Cinematography: Venkat Prasad
Produced by: Venkat
‘Dandupalyaam’, a film based on real incidents, was released in 2012 and was a huge success. A gang from a village called Dandupalyam was shown blindfolded in the aftermath of 80 murders, robberies, and rapes. As the name of the Dandupalyam gang suggests, there was a fear of something unknown among the people of Karnataka. That gang had committed such heinous atrocities. You can watch movies in aha.
The first part showed the Dandupalayam gang members being arrested by the police until the court sentenced them to life imprisonment. Later, the director, the sequel titled ‘Dandupalyaam-2’, tried to unveil an unexpected dimension to the audience. What did the actual audience imagine? What is shown in this movie? Let’s see the highlight and reasons why to watch online.
The story of the movie is, Dandupalayam gang will be hanged after nearly five years of case trial. They will then be shifted to ParappanaAgrahara Jail on the outskirts of Bangalore. However, a female reporter named Abhivikti (Shruti) has many suspicions in this case. Although they have been convicted in 80 murder cases, there is evidence to prove their guilt in only 12 cases. They are also not strong evidence. What is the most crucial way to convict them in 80 cases without any evidence of fingerprints, sperm, DNA, hair in such cases? The suspected report will start an investigation to find out the real facts.
Some shocking evidence comes to the fore in the course of the Interval Twist Investigation. This leads to the conclusion that the gang did nothing wrong and that the police and the media together portrayed them as a homicidal gang. While his investigation is going on, the Dandupalya gang is shifted from ParappanaAgrahara Jail to Belgaum Jail.
Her suspicions are further strengthened by the fact that they were moved to a prison that had no facilities to carry out the death penalty. Believes the police are conspiring to do something. She wants to take special permission and put them in jail together to find out the real truth. However, the Dandupalayam gang tries to kill the reporter who came to their rescue. Thi I the interval twist. Beyond that, you lose interest in the movie. What happened next remains to be seen on screen.
Top reasons why to watch “Dhandupalyam 2” movie online:
All the actors performed very well in a realistic manner. BommaliRavishankar excelled in the role of a police officer. Vilanijan showed up at the police and looked superb. Better to say that BommaliRavishankar, Pooja Gandhi, Raghu Mukherjee, Sanjana, Bhagyashree, Makarand Deshpande, Ravi Kale, Patrol Prasanna, Danny Kuttappa, Jayadev, Kari Subbu, Koti, etc. played the roles of Dandupalya gang and lived longer than Anand.
In terms of technical aspects.. The background score provided by Arjun Janya is tremendous. The production values are enough for the story.
The director filmed the movie at an unexpected angle for the audience and succeeded. Anyone who knows about the murders, robberies, and rapes committed by the Dandupalayam gang would not think of feeling sad about them. But with an expected twist, the director ran the screenplay to pity the audience over the gang. This is also an unexpected consequence. Director Srinivasa Raju has succeeded in making the film a mirror to reality from the beginning of the film to the end.
The way the police behaved towards the gang of thugs, the way they tortured them to make the third degree is horrible. If you watch these scenes, the police interrogation in the audience means fear.
Finally: The movie Dhandupalyam 2 will give you terrific experience with thrilling crime elements. The movie may be watched with friends, but not with family.
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