Prevention is key- Lifestyle changes for long-term dry eye treatment
Dry eye syndrome is a chronic condition that affects millions worldwide. It’s caused by a lack of lubrication in the eyes and results in discomfort and vision problems. While several treatments are available for dry eye syndrome, preventing the condition is essential to managing it. Lifestyle changes help prevent and treat dry eye syndrome in the long term. Blinking helps to spread tears evenly across your eyes and keeps them moist. When you’re staring at a computer screen or other digital device for an extended period are tend to blink less frequently than usual, leading to dry eyes. To blink more often throughout the day. Drinking enough water helps today keep your body hydrated, including your eyes. This will help produce enough tears to keep your eyes moisturized.
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats with anti-inflammatory properties are helping to reduce inflammation in the body including the eyes. Challenging to get enough omega-3s through food alone to consider taking supplements like fish oil capsules or krill oil supplements. Artificial tears act as a substitute for natural tears when they’re not sufficient on their own. They help keep your eyes moist while reducing dry eye syndrome irritation. Exposure to UV rays causes increased inflammation of the eyes and worsens dry eye symptoms. Wear sunglasses that block 100% of UVA and UVB rays outside in sunshine or on cloudy days. This will protect your eyes from harmful UV radiation and prevent damage.
It leads to inflammation in the body, increasing dry eye syndrome’s symptoms. If you smoke regularly, stopping can significantly improve your overall health and reduce dry eye syndrome symptoms. Allergies often cause itching and swelling around the dry eye treatments in Albuquerque, NM, an aspect that leads to dry eye syndrome discomfort. Try taking antihistamines or using allergy drops prescribed by an ophthalmologist or allergist for relief. Adding moisture to the air with a humidifier helps keep your environment more comfortable for those suffering from dry eye syndrome. Dry air is known to exacerbate symptoms by reducing humidity levels indoors during winter months or in arid climates. A humidifier helps maintain humidity levels between 30-50% making it easier on your eyes and preventing irritation caused by dry air conditions.